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The Same History of Thailand, But Not the Same Me

lintel at a stone sanctuary, thailand
Lintel with narrative relief

Apr 1, 2012.

Dear diary,

Boring History!

I always felt asleep in History class and Buddhism study when I was in high school. I remembered my history-class teachers told us stories about the King of Siam and the battle between Siamese and Burmese. Boys in the class were so excited with the story, but not me. I was not blame to the teacher. I just thought that narrative of history was like a sleeping pill for me.

But surprisingly, only with my interest to study tour guide program, the history isn’t boring anymore. I love it now. I want to know about who was the first king of Ayutthaya kingdom, who was related with who, how the city was constructed, when the downfall of Sukhothai Kingdom, why the architecture is different. I was attentively listening to historical story from the tour guide program teacher; no yawning and follow teacher every words. I wanted to know more and more about it.


Today I was worried about catching the van back to Bangkok because I don’t know timetable of it. I ran to the van station as soon as I finished class.

I was home almost at 7 o’clock. I stopped by at Victory Monument and had a little shopping there.

Go to bed early for wake up early.


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