Tuk Tuk in Thailand

Three-Wheeled Motorcycle You Shouldn't Miss in Thailand

Overall Information of Tuk Tuk Vehicle

Tuk Tuk in Thailand What is a Tuk-Tuk?
Commonly found in a number of Asian countries, the tuk-tuk is a three-wheeled vehicle that is designed for transportation of people over short distances. In most English-speaking countries such as Britain, the tuk-tuk is referred to as a cabin cycle or an auto rickshaw. Their small size means that they can only accommodate a maximum of two to three passengers. In many Thailand cities such as Bangkok, the tuk-tuks are widely used. They are also highly popular in cities that experience constant traffic congestions. In Europe, the tuk-tuk was introduced in July 2006 in Brighton, England. A total of twelve tuk-tuks which run on compressed gas, now operate between Hove and Brighton Marina.
As being a major global tourist destination, Thailand attracts thousands of tourists every year. To get around over short distances, most tourists make use of tuk-tuks. Other than being a practical means of travelling within towns, they are also a lot of fun to ride in. Riding a Tuk Tuk in Thailand is even recommended for one of what to do in Thailand as well.

Tuk-Tuks in Bangkok
Experiencing high motor and human traffic during most of the day, Bangkok has benefited greatly from the use of tuk-tuks. Their ability to evade traffic comes in handy for most people. Over the years however, the thriving tuk-tuk industry has faced stiff competition from the MRT, BTS and taxis. However, Tuk-Tuks have still remained a popular means of transport for both locals and tourists.

Tuk-Tuk Fares
The amount of money, which you will be charged for travelling in a tuk-tuk in Bangkok and also other cities, will depend on the distance travelled, level of traffic, time of day and the driver. The longer the distance, the higher the fares. At certain times of the day, particularly during rush hours, fares will increase as drivers try to make a profit from the high number of people wanting to travel. Also, during certain periods of the year when there are more tourists, you may be charged more. Additionally, tuk-tuk drivers will charge more when there is traffic congestion. If the driver is in a bad mood, you can expect to part with more money. Basically, there are no standardized tuk-tuk rates in Thailand and fares can vary widely.

Seven Essential Tips Before You Travel by a Tuk-Tuk


There are a few things that you need to be aware of. This is especially so if you are a tourist and are not so familiar with the way things work in Thailand. The following seven tips will ensure that you do not get into any trouble as you enjoy Thailand’s tuk-tuk rides.

Agree on the fares before getting in
Before you get into any tuk-tuk, agree on the fares with the driver. Tuk-tuks are not like taxis, they do not have meters and so you may be charged anything and if you are not careful you could end up paying up to ten times the normal price. Get to know the fares to a certain place and then compare that fare to that of a taxi. Generally, tuk-tuks should charge the same or even cheaper than taxis. Do not be afraid to haggle over the price; some drivers will easily agree to charge you less. If you are pleased with the service, you can leave a tip.
Avoid overloading
Imagine six people, six shopping bags, three chairs and a small table all in one tuk-tuk. Such a tuk-tuk is a big hazard. Do not agree to get into an overloaded tuk-tuk no matter how experienced the driver tells you he is. With three wheels and a small size, it is very easy for the vehicle to tip over or careen out of control and cause an accident.
Avoid tuk-tuk rides along congested roads
A tuk-tuk ride on a road with high traffic congestion can easily end up in an accident. Other than the danger of being in an accident, you will also get exposed to exhaust fumes which can be hazardous to your health. Do not use tuk-tuks during peak hours such as in the morning between 7am and 9am or evening between 4pm and 7pm; during such periods, a taxi is preferable. Additionally, tuk-tuks are not to be used for travelling over long distances. They are not the most comfortable vehicles around and you will soon get tired.
Be careful about scams
Tourists are easily cheated by drivers that make huge promises. These "mafia" tuk-tuk drivers will usually promise to take you to the best shopping or tourist spots and then charge you a lot of money. To be safe, avoid any tuk-tuk driver offering unsolicited help. A simple “no, thank you” will save you a lot of trouble. If you are going to use a taxi, this also applies.
Tuk-tuks are best used in smaller cities
Bangkok is a very big city and the traffic there is usually high throughout the day. Using a tuk-tuk in Bangkok can be both hectic and dangerous especially for tourists and visitors. The best places for tuk-tuks are smaller cities and resort towns. Here you can enjoy the clean fresh air as you get to your destination safely.
Be orderly
If you are a group of people and you are in a tuk-tuk, orderliness is important. Avoid getting into a tuk-tuk while drunk or engaging in dangerous shenanigans such as hanging from the side of the tuk-tuk. For one, it is highly disrespectful and secondly, you can easily get into an accident. Just sit down and stay calm until you get to your destination.
Do not use a tuk-tuk when it’s raining
When it rains, the roads can get very slippery and this poses a hazard for tuk-tuks. Even worse, tuk-tuk drivers tend to be careless about their driving and considering the size of the vehicle, it is very easy to cause an accident. Additionally, you will get rained on; the tuk-tuk does not offer much protection from the rain. In warm and dry weather, the ride will be safe and pleasant.
If you get into any trouble or are stranded in Bangkok or any other city, do not hesitate to ask for help from trustworthy persons. With the above tips however, you should be able to travel to your favorite spots easily and enjoyably.
Addtional Information of Bangkok  
Royal Grand Palace (and Temple of the Emeral Buddha) - the most popular tourist attraction in Bangkok .
Major Shopping Centers - the difference of major shopping malls in the center of Bangkok.
Chatuchak Market - the largest weeked market in Bangkok, where more than 8,000 stalls available.
Chinatown - The area of Gold shops and delicious street restaurant. Gold Buddha Temple is also located nearby.
Cheap Food at Suvarnabhumi Airport - Food court comes with reasonable price at the main airport of Thailand
Airport Link - an easy and inexpensive way get from or to Suvarnabhumi Airport, the international Airport.
Tuk Tuk in Thailand - one of what visitors recommend others for things must-do in Thailand.
Tourism Authority of Thailand    Amazing Thailand     Pattaya Concierge     ChonHub     Kanchanaburi dot Co
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